So today I had my 5 week check up. What a mixture of emotions and feelings. Doctor is happy with everything and gave me the go ahead for our short break in Ballito, but and this is a big BUT...the internal stitches are not dissolving as they should.
By week 5 they should all be gone. Seems like mine want to stick around for a little longer.
So if they don’t dissolve on their own next week Wednesday he will “freeze dry” them. Sounds so interesting doesn’t it?
Sounds bloody scary, have been reading how women can feel their stitches inside :( Grrr the thought alone makes me cringe with pain. So anyway he will use this nitrate to freeze and remove all of them. Why can’t my body just dissolve them like other normal people? This is going to slow down the healing process by another week or so although I am still going back to work on the 18th !!!
Anyway enough of the horrible gory stuff tomorrow we leave at 04h30 for Ballito the plan is to have breakfast in one of those nice stops (can’t remember the name).
Let’s see how the driving is going to affect me. We are all cramming into the 4X4 and I know most of them are big but ours is just not normal and it has no leg space. Moo’s legs don’t fit at the back so he always sits in front and he will probably be driving. Tigs will be grumpy most of the way. And mom (wombat) will sit with her hand in my ass....that hand on the side of the other passenger that just touches your back leg/bum enough to irritate you?! There, right there is where she’ll have her hand.
Please help me, please pray that it’s a short trip and that I snore all the way. Oh yes the grizzly bear will have the aircon heater on full blast and that will give me an instant headache, sore throat and I will come back front the anticipated trip with flu!!
Enough said, going to bed, hopefully I can sleep tonight. Last night I was staring at the ceiling fan until 03h00am – no I have not been napping all afternoon, she won’t let me!!
cheers xoxo
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